Sunday, March 16, 2008

Demos guilt-trip; GOPers revile--both want to censor you

As so many pundits have said, the Democratic Party truly is the Mommy Party and the GOP the Daddy Party. And like so many parents, both want to control the people they regard as their children. That would be us, the electorate. But they use very different methods. The Demos want to censor your speech to avoid anything any racial/ethnic/socioeconomic/trade union identity group might object to, because not to do so would be "hurtful." The GOP wants to censor your speech to avoid anything right wing fundamentalists/Veterans of Foreign Wars would object to, because not to do so would be "unpatriotic"--or, in extremis, "traitorous."

In both cases facts must be subordinated to each side's fantasy version of reality.

At least we haven't sunk to the level of the Islamic world, where publishing a cartoon of Muhammad--even in another country--leads to deadly riots and assassination plots against the cartoonist in his home country.

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