Tuesday, April 15, 2008

HUD secretary resigns under fire for alleged corruption/incompetence

One thing you actually can say for Bush--he isn't racially prejudiced. Seriously. He'll appoint self-aggrandizing, sycophantic mediocrities of every race and ethnicity to do the bidding of the GOP's patrons. From Condi Rice to Professor Woo (or whatever's the name of the White House lawyer whose briefs justified torture and the doctrine of President-as-King), Bush has certainly been an equal opportunity employer.

Now class prejudice is another matter entirely. That's why Kanye West had it all wrong. It's not that Bush doesn't care about black people. He doesn't care about ANYONE but rich people. If your income's under $1M/yr. he doesn't even despise you, because he'd have to notice you to despise you.

The irony is all those working stiffs who staunchly defend him to this day because they think he's conservative like them.

Guess what? He isn't a conservative at all. He's a high roller. Always has been.
He never betrayed us Democrats. He betrayed the Republican rank and file. They're the ones he lied to, pretending he was one of them.

Q. How many Harvard MBAs does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Just one. He holds the bulb and waits for the world to revolve around him.

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