Monday, March 22, 2010

Words to remember

The head of Congress' House Republicans stated, for the record, that the healthcare reform bill "will ruin our economy."

I also saw him call passage of the bill "Armageddon" in another interview.

So if our economy isn't ruined by the bill, may I assume that Representative Boehner will admit that the Republican Party was profoundly wrong on this critical issue, and then switch to the Democratic Party?

If the economy is ruined, I'll be glad to pledge to renounce the Democratic Party and become a Republican....


Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

Pfff. You think you're going to win an argument against these Republicans by using LOGIC and FACTS?

Ehkzu said...

Mainly I'm just entertaining myself, to be honest. But imagine using this argument on your Tea Party relatives at the next family reunion. Propose a metric like, say, a 35% unemployment rate for a year--or whatever we had in the depths of the Great Depression. If they're relatives or workmates, you can agree to revisit this topic in a year or two. Could make a future reunion or company picnic something to look forward to...

Brian said...

If the economy does crash, who decides what caused it?