Friday, April 22, 2011

New religion being promoted on the downlow by the GOP

GOP pols and pundits proudly declare that "America is a Christian nation" frequently. Great message for Jewish Republicans there BTW.

But this obscures the fact that the GOP has actually created a new religion on the sly--one that dare not speak its name, but which GOP leaders promote in every speech.

Since they won't name it, I will: it's "Billionairism."

It's a religion because its tenets are presented as unchallenge-able (which is why Communism was the Soviet Union's state religion). But because it's a shadow religion, none of its tenets are ever stated explicitly. You have to infer them from the actions and coded statements of its adherents.

If it were stated baldly, here's what you'd get once you sweep away the camouflage:

Tenet #1: Billionaires are the pinnacles of virtue. This is why the GOP invariably refers to them as "job creators" (I assume that's counting all the jobs they've created in China, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands etc. after destroying those jobs here in America), and refers to their wealth as money they've "earned."

This is like referring to John Dillenger's loot from his bank robberies as "earnings."

Tenet #2: Because Billionaires are pinnacles of virtue, all government efforts to regulate their economic activities is evil--the code word is "socialist." Socialism used to mean the government owning the country's major businesses. Now it means, thanks to the GOP, all regulation of business.

Tenet #3: Because Billionaires are pinnacles of virtue, all efforts by employees to organize so those with vast wealth don't exploit them is evil--the word "union" is now synonymous with "parasite."

Tenet #4: Because Billionaires don't need the services taxes pay for, taxation is inherently evil, and even if you as an ordinary citizen benefit greatly from those services, you should vote for pols who want to abolish them, because you want to be like Billionaires--and if you favor reasonable taxes that makes you a Socialist and you'd rather lose all those social services you use than be labeled a Socialist.

Tenet #5: America is a tribe comprising about half of the people who reside here. It's a white tribe. An Anglo tribe. A Republican tribe.

Democrats are not Americans. They belong to an enemy tribe that has occupied a small part of the American landscape (mainly in large cities and the coasts) with large concentrations of semi-humans who are not white Anglos, along with intellectual white Anglos, who are tribal traitors. These Democrats comprise, therefore, Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, any pretty much anyone with a foreign accent and/or garb. The handful of Black Republicans and Mexicans are Honorary Whites, revered for enabling white Anglos Republicans to claim that racism has no part in their ideology.

Tenet #6: Government exists to take money and property and rights from white Anglos and give it to Blacks and Mexicans and other foreigners, and to impose Socialism on American businesses.

Therefore government is part of the enemy tribe. GOP politicians take office in order to restore government to a handful of functions--mainly to defend its borders (except for illegal immigrants, needed to keep blue collar wages low and to bust unions), and wage war abroad to justify spending tax dollars on Cold War-appropriate weapons system that are highly profitable for Billionaires.

Tenet #7: If a Billionaire does something bad, he's the exception that proves the rule; likewise a GOP politician. If a Democrat does something wrong, he's the proof of the rule. And if someone who works for a Billionaire does something wrong because the Billionaire told him to do it, it's that worker's fault, because Billionaires are the pinnacles of virtue, and the job creators, and it we fail to propitiate them properly they will take their billions to a country that appreciates them.

Tenet #8: The Judicial system should be totally blind, based on the belief that everyone is equal. If you want to sell your house to finance suing a giant corporation, you're free to, and if a giant corporation wants to use its team of dozens of staff lawyers to sue you, it's free to do that. See? Everyone's free and equal.

Tenet #9: Corporations are people, with the same rights as the rest of us but none of the responsibilities.

Tenet #10: Public opinion expresses the intelligent conclusions of The American People if it agrees with what the Billionaires want--even if most people with that opinion have rarely if ever heard an opposing view, due to the Billionaires' giant marketing bullhorns, applied 24xc7 across their corporate-owned media, fake "thnk tanks" and sock puppet politicians.

Tenet #11: Only Republicans honor the most sacred document apart from the Bible, namely the Constitution, and anything not named explicitly by politicians living in the 18th century in the rural frontier colonies that America then Unconstitutional (and probably Socialistic).

This despite the fact that our Constitution is one of the shortest Constitutions on Earth, and its framers stated explicitly that it should be used as a general framework, adapted to current needs, not as a rigid set of rules.

Tenet #12: America is a Billionarian nation, but in public we'll call it a Christian nation. Christ was/is a Republican. God is a Republican. Mary Mother of Christ was/is a Republican. St. Peter, St. Paul, and all the rest were/are Republicans. Thus when Christ is quoted as saying "feed my sheep" he didn't mean Blacks and Mexicans and people so un-virtuous as to have chosen to be poor because they're lazy. "My sheep" only means "your own family."

Tenet #13: Billionaires are rich because they work harder than others, create companies, create jobs--in fact the heads of major corporates and the major stockholders deserve all gains in that company's productivity. The employees should be grateful for what they get and never complain. Thus the shift in income from CEOs making 20 times what ordinary workers get to over 400 times what ordinary workers get is a good thing, reflecting the fact that Billionaires (and some Millionaires) are worth more to a company than 400 of its worker bees, also know as BPUs (biological productivity units), who are totally interchangeable. All the company's great ideas come from the executive suite and board of directors.

Thus poor people are poor because they're lazy and immoral. They don't need a handout--they need the rod applied to their backsides.

Tenet #14: The drugs Billionaires use are OK (primarily liquor); the drugs Others use (primarily marijuana) are evil.

Tenet #15: Science is a Socialist plot because it upsets Fundamentalists and Polluters.Therefore global warming is a hoax put forth by a vast conspiracy of 98% of the world's climate scientists; the dissent of the other 2% are actually valid, and the 98% wrong, because scientists once thought the Earth was flat.

Of course the Democrats have their own set of unstated, unchallenge-able beliefs, but they aren't promoted with so much funding, over so much time.


Anonymous said...


I have stopped posting on Jackie's Amazon threads... As much I am a fan of Jackie, I'm more a fan of adult music, so I'll wait til Jackie is 18 or so and then rejoin the conversation.

But your April 22 article deserves a rebuttal.

Downlow... do you have any idea what "downlow" implies? Didn't think so.

Billionairism... if you think ANYONE subscribes to that as a religion, fine. But, it's just your freaking OPINION. Ok, I know that's the definition of a BLOG, but you state it as a fact!!!

It's YOUR tenets, not anything advocated by ANYONE!!!

Tenets: OK, just make sure you present them as YOURS, for Christ's sake.

Aside... this is coming off more and more as your personal sermon, with very few actual facts to consider.

Tenet #1. They ARE job creators. Microsoft (as much as I hate the name) has created more millionaires (and a few billionaires) than any other company on earth. And M'soft (or at least its founders) is among the most liberal on earth.

Tenet # 1 continued... Coupling the wealth of billionaires with John Dillenger is just SILLY. Whatever wealth American (or any other "genre") billionairs has accumulated is at least LEGAL. Moral? Is that wealth less moral than a sports figure pulling down $20,000,000.00 a year? Both paydays are generally based on some sort of "incentives". You score more points or generate a substantial increase in our company's net worth, and you are compensated accordingly. WTF is wrong with that?

Tenet # 1 continued... You couldn't have made a worse statement to undermine the whole thesis of this totally???? I won't even try to put words to this silliness and stupidity... I would have never thought you capable of this kind of torture of logic.

Tenet # 2... as much as I have lost interest in pursuing this insanity, I'll see it through to the end. Codeword is not "socialist". May have been 20-30 years ago, but we, as a society, are much more informed now.

Tenet # 3... C'mon... you're not really out of touch with reality as that, are you? Oh, you are! I was being generous.

Tenet # 4... A Fair Tax taxes everyone equally... you buy a $3,000,000.00 Lear Jet, the VAT taxes take care of any "deductions".

Tenet # 5... How do I respond to absolute stupidity? But, if you want me to, let me know. This would be fun...

Tenet # 6... See above. Ehkzu - I thought I could respect your intellectual honesty. Redneck from the get-go.

Tenet # 7... And the rest of your drivel... it's garbage. I have lost ALL respect for you. It is interesting, however, that Iam saying goodbye to the Jackie threads at the same time I bid you an adieu.

(Are you sure you don't belong to any, or all, of the conspiracicy theories?)

Ehkzu, I've read many of your posts on both this and your art blog site. But this one has left me totally with on sense of "reasonabness" for this post. As I said, probably as a matter on simple coincidence, I am leaving both Jackie's threads and your now worthless blogs.

Anonymous said...


I have stopped posting on Jackie's Amazon threads... As much I am a fan of Jackie, I'm more a fan of adult music, so I'll wait til Jackie is 18 or so and then rejoin the conversation.

But your April 22 article deserves a rebuttal.

Downlow... do you have any idea what "downlow" implies? Didn't think so.

Billionairism... if you think ANYONE subscribes to that as a religion, fine. But, it's just your freaking OPINION. Ok, I know that's the definition of a BLOG, but you state it as a fact!!!

It's YOUR tenets, not anything advocated by ANYONE!!!

Tenets: OK, just make sure you present them as YOURS, for Christ's sake.

Aside... this is coming off more and more as your personal sermon, with very few actual facts to consider.

Tenet #1. They ARE job creators. Microsoft (as much as I hate the name) has created more millionaires (and a few billionaires) than any other company on earth. And M'soft (or at least its founders) is among the most liberal on earth.

Tenet # 1 continued... Coupling the wealth of billionaires with John Dillenger is just SILLY. Whatever wealth American (or any other "genre") billionairs has accumulated is at least LEGAL. Moral? Is that wealth less moral than a sports figure pulling down $20,000,000.00 a year? Both paydays are generally based on some sort of "incentives". You score more points or generate a substantial increase in our company's net worth, and you are compensated accordingly. WTF is wrong with that?

Tenet # 1 continued... You couldn't have made a worse statement to undermine the whole thesis of this totally???? I won't even try to put words to this silliness and stupidity... I would have never thought you capable of this kind of torture of logic.

Tenet # 2... as much as I have lost interest in pursuing this insanity, I'll see it through to the end. Codeword is not "socialist". May have been 20-30 years ago, but we, as a society, are much more informed now.

Tenet # 3... C'mon... you're not really out of touch with reality as that, are you? Oh, you are! I was being generous.

Tenet # 4... A Fair Tax taxes everyone equally... you buy a $3,000,000.00 Lear Jet, the VAT taxes take care of any "deductions".

Tenet # 5... How do I respond to absolute stupidity? But, if you want me to, let me know. This would be fun...

Tenet # 6... See above. Ehkzu - I thought I could respect your intellectual honesty. Redneck from the get-go.

Tenet # 7... And the rest of your drivel... it's garbage. I have lost ALL respect for you. It is interesting, however, that Iam saying goodbye to the Jackie threads at the same time I bid you an adieu.

(Are you sure you don't belong to any, or all, of the conspiracicy theories?)

Ehkzu, I've read many of your posts on both this and your art blog site. But this one has left me totally with on sense of "reasonabness" for this post. As I said, probably as a matter on simple coincidence, I am leaving both Jackie's threads and your now worthless blogs.

Anonymous said...


I have stopped posting on Jackie's Amazon threads... As much I am a fan of Jackie, I'm more a fan of adult music, so I'll wait til Jackie is 18 or so and then rejoin the conversation.

But your April 22 article deserves a rebuttal.

Downlow... do you have any idea what "downlow" implies? Didn't think so.

Billionairism... if you think ANYONE subscribes to that as a religion, fine. But, it's just your freaking OPINION. Ok, I know that's the definition of a BLOG, but you state it as a fact!!!

It's YOUR tenets, not anything advocated by ANYONE!!!

Tenets: OK, just make sure you present them as YOURS, for Christ's sake.

Aside... this is coming off more and more as your personal sermon, with very few actual facts to consider.

Tenet #1. They ARE job creators. Microsoft (as much as I hate the name) has created more millionaires (and a few billionaires) than any other company on earth. And M'soft (or at least its founders) is among the most liberal on earth.

Tenet # 1 continued... Coupling the wealth of billionaires with John Dillenger is just SILLY. Whatever wealth American (or any other "genre") billionairs has accumulated is at least LEGAL. Moral? Is that wealth less moral than a sports figure pulling down $20,000,000.00 a year? Both paydays are generally based on some sort of "incentives". You score more points or generate a substantial increase in our company's net worth, and you are compensated accordingly. WTF is wrong with that?

Tenet # 1 continued... You couldn't have made a worse statement to undermine the whole thesis of this totally???? I won't even try to put words to this silliness and stupidity... I would have never thought you capable of this kind of torture of logic.

Tenet # 2... as much as I have lost interest in pursuing this insanity, I'll see it through to the end. Codeword is not "socialist". May have been 20-30 years ago, but we, as a society, are much more informed now.

Tenet # 3... C'mon... you're not really out of touch with reality as that, are you? Oh, you are! I was being generous.

Tenet # 4... A Fair Tax taxes everyone equally... you buy a $3,000,000.00 Lear Jet, the VAT taxes take care of any "deductions".

Tenet # 5... How do I respond to absolute stupidity? But, if you want me to, let me know. This would be fun...

Tenet # 6... See above. Ehkzu - I thought I could respect your intellectual honesty. Redneck from the get-go.

Tenet # 7... And the rest of your drivel... it's garbage. I have lost ALL respect for you. It is interesting, however, that Iam saying goodbye to the Jackie threads at the same time I bid you an adieu.

(Are you sure you don't belong to any, or all, of the conspiracicy theories?)

Ehkzu, I've read many of your posts on both this and your art blog site. But this one has left me totally with on sense of "reasonabness" for this post. As I said, probably as a matter on simple coincidence, I am leaving both Jackie's threads and your now worthless blogs.