Saturday, March 17, 2012

Santorum right for once

I'm no Santorum supporter. But the hoo-rah over his statement that Puerto Rico should speak English before joining the Union as a full-fledged state was correct.

What was interesting was that the Left-O-Sphere didn't consider his statement debatable. All the MSNBC show hosts I saw just stated it as proof of his not being ready to be president--as if there could be no debate on his statement. I'm sure that the Right-O-Sphere considers the same point equally un-debatable. 

Meanwhile the Invisible 40% who are Independents sit here looking at these opponents and scratching our heads--at how identical all these partisans are, emotionally. They simple cannot debate anything. Everything is carved in stone by a fiery finger somewhere, apparently.

Worse yet, the Left-O-Sphere talks about it as if a major point was that Santorum was failing to pander to the Mexicans with American citizenship (but who still consider themselves Mexican, according to the last Pew survey I saw). Apparently failure to pander to a group--at least a group that isn't White--is somehow immoral.


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