Thursday, November 8, 2012

What did the American people say Tuesday?

The people re-elected a President who said he'd veto any budget plan that didn't include raising taxes on the rich--specifically, those getting more than $250,000 a year.

The people re-elected a House whose Republican majority had all signed a written pledge to their boss Grover Norquist not to raise any taxes on anyone for any reason whatsoever.

Both liberals and conservatives had advocated waiting on major legislation until this election was over, in hopes that the other side would be swept out of power and the winners would not have to compromise.

Well, the other side wasn't. [side note: if the rest of the world had had a say, the Republicans would have been swept out of office at every level; Democrats and Republicans draw very different conclusions from this factoid, however]

However, the exit polls showed 60% of the public agreeing with the President about hiking taxes on the rich and only 35% agreeing with the Republican House that serves Grover Norquist.

So the public's voting to preserve the previous balance of power was not a vote for gridlock. No poll said that, though that is what diehard Movement Republicans want. But most people were saying with their votes and in the polls that they wanted Washington to compromise.


That means raising taxes--not just eliminating loopholes. Raising taxes.

But not as much as Democrats want.

And it also means cutting back the social safety net.

But not as much as Republicans want.

And they expect President Re-Elect Obama to drive this compromise--not congressional leaders.

The public holds everyone in Washington responsible for the mess and responsible for cleaning it up.

I'll be happy if I'm unhappy with the result.

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